Monday, October 17, 2011

Penix's INN Draft #1

( Behold those willing to drop 20 tix on a draft!  Thanks guys!!) 

I ended up going 2-1.

I wasn’t sure how many things like Moon Heron (which don’t play into
the themes of the deck, but are solid cards) versus things like Think
Twice (which are pretty good if they get milled, but don’t have a
whole heap of impact) I should play, and I think I might have erred
too much on the side of synergy. Maybe having solid creatures like
Moon Heron or Markov Patrician is just better? You will notice that
the manabase for this deck does not include any plains despite the
fact that the mana requirements aren’t that onerous (aside from
Reaper), and Unburial Rites is great when you can flash it back. That
is because I am a moron and forgot to add plains when I was adding
land. I switched two plains for two islands after the first game of
every match.

Match one was against a pretty aggressive red/green deck. In game one
he hit me down to 1 life, but then I played my demon and a bunch of
zombie dudes and stabilised. Game two I F6ed through my first turn
because I’m a moron, and then lost. Game three I played my demon which
he killed, and I then got it back with Unburial Rites, and then played
Cackling Counterpart on it, with a plains in play to Unburial Rites it
a third time if he killed it again. I won that game.

Match two was against blue/green werewolves and zombies. I got pretty
badly manascrewed both games (in game one I was on three land while he
was on 7-8), and in game two I finally managed to get out the Reaper
(with the help of two Deranged Assistants), but he played two Grasp of
Phantoms (sorcery that puts a creature on the top of its owner
library) on successive turns, then played that red Devil that gets
back sorceries at random, and replayed his Grasp of Phantoms, and then
the next turn got to eight mana which let him flashback Grasp of
Phantoms. It is very hard to win when you get time walked four times,
and so I didn’t.

Match three was against red/white humans. Game one my deck did exactly
what is was supposed to do. I had Deranged Assistant, Armored Skaab
and Forbidden Alchemy to get a bunch of stuff in my graveyard, zombies
to cast and to exile from my graveyard, and a bunch of flashback cards
to get value. I also had a Reaper of the Abyss and Cackling
Counterpart to copy it. He Fiend Huntered my Reaper, but it didn’t
really matter. I won before I was able to flash back Cackling
Counterpart in order to have three demons on the battlefield :( Game
two I mulliganned to six and then got stuck on three land. I played
Armored Skaab and milled four land, which made me very sad. I ended up
having to Forbidden Alchemy for a land. I eventually drew another
couple of land, but all his stuff got bigger when I killed something
(like Thanben Sentry and whathaveyou), which prevented me from
stabilising. Game three I had a turn one Delver into turn two Vampire
Interloper. The Delver flipped on turn four or so, so I was beating
down pretty hard. He eventually got Markov Vampire and Silver Inlaid
Dagger, so was able to gain a bunch of life. I killed his vampire…
somehow, and then he ended up with a 5/5 Juggernaut and a 5/2 equipped
human that dies and gives +1/+1 counters. I was on five, but luckily
had a Markov Patrician to chump with, leaving me at three. I swung in
for the win the next turn.

I feel like this was a really good deck, but I played a lot of pretty
aggressive decks, and found myself winning at pretty low life a lot of
the time. I’m not sure if I built this wrong, if the quality of
archetypes are really close in Innistrad, or just if everyone in the
draft opened very well. I think maybe the fact that I picked up a lot
of synergistic cards led me to play too many do-nothing cards like
Think Twice, whereas if there had have been less graveyard-centric
cards, I maybe would have been happy with playing more solid



  1. Nice, this looks close to my deck I had at my LGS for the release event draft. What I realized is that Think Twice isn't that good. It sounded good and I ended up with 4 of them (3 in deck), but to do this type you need creatures to fill that graveyard. I had like 4-5 of those Zombies too. And with those Forbidden Alchemy, you didn't need it.

    Unburial Rites is great with those Zombies, since even if they end up in your g/y, you can pull them out without having to exile creatures. I'd even splash 1 Plain in there just in case it ends up in your g/y or for the extra flashback cast.

    I think I 1-2'd my draft with this, but it was still fun to play. Had I swapped out the multiple TT's for more creatures, and not made errors with play due to being unfamiliar with the format, it would've done solid. It's definitely an archetype I'm looking to draft.

  2. Yes! Every time I had Think Twice it ended up staying in my hand, because I had 2-4 other things to be doing with my mana. I had so many flashback spells and usually was spending my time avoiding getting killed due to my opponents' aggressive starts that I couldn't afford to spend too much time on a do-nothing Divination. On the other hand, Forbidden Alchemy was usually something I was happy using my turn three to do, as it drew me a card, got me to my good spells AND kick-started the graveyard.

    I did mean to splash two plains, but just completely forgot about it while I was trying to decide on the last couple of cards in the deck. I ended up siding in some plains in every game.

  3. P1P1: I think I actually take Murder of Crows here. It's so powerful! But respects for playtesting the Rare.

    P1P2: Drake is good, but there are loads of good Blue cards here. I think the Lantern is less committal (if you hadn't picked the Counterpart).

    P1P3: Definitely the right pick, Haunt is pretty powerful!

    P1P4: I think staying Blue here is pretty good. The other blue spell seems slightly better, though...

    P1P6: Assistant seems like the pick even if the Shepherd and Neonate are really good aggressive cards too. Stay on colour!

    P1P7: Bu- Bu- Bu- Haunt? There's another Haunt in there.
    I think the Assistant is a fine pick, though. Not sure what I would've taken...

    P1P8: I think I would've taken the removal, too. The Drake seems sweet with double Assistants, though...

    P1P9: Mauler is the pick here; the Skaab would be close if you had two Drakes. The Grasp is good but it's not a creature.

    P1P10: Wow! Are people in this draft just daft? Alchemy tenth? With another good blue card on the side?
    I think Alchemy is the right pick here but I'd be happy getting the Apprentice tenth too...

    P1P12: The card isn't THAT good, but it shouldn't be there. I'd pick the Think Twice to stay open...

    P2P2: I think I pick the Splinterfright just to hatedraft. Perhaps the Devils. You might even play them. The Chant is not worth picking this early.

    P2P5: I think you could've picked the Skaab here, but I don't think Heron is a bad choice either. it's definitely solid.

    P2P8: Good pick, it can pop and go straight to the yard for Stitched guys. The Amulet is fine, too...

    P3P1: The Warden is a fine pick, too. I don't like Delver at all. Think Twice is the safe pick here. The Warden would fit the Moorland Haunt(s?) nicely.

    P3P4: Actually I like your pick here. But Noble is better in a vacuum, I think...

    P3P5: Good pick. The "Snidd Durdle" would do a lot more if you were counting on playing your Haunt...

    P3P9: I might pick the Feeling of Dread here, especially if you're playing a Plains. But even without, it's a nice Alchemy fodder to flashback...

    Deck Construction; I'd cut the Delver, the Ghoulraiser and the Corpse Lunge for another Heron, another Alchemy and the Patrician. I'd be happy if I could find room for Weevil, too.

    And then include the Haunt and two Plains, I think.

  4. I mostly didn't play the Haunt (and consequently didn't pick the second one) because I felt it directly went against the plan of the deck - assuming I want to play my Drakes/Maulers, I'm probably going to be lucky to get one activation out of a Haunt in the average game, and one 1/1 flyer for four mana just doesn't seem worth giving up a decent enabler for my deck. Although maybe I could have played less instants/sorceries and more creatures, thus giving me enough fodder for both the Haunt and the skaab guys? I think I went a little overboard with the flashback cards, and then Delver became a trap.

    Corpse Lunge had the same problem as the Haunt, but I figured at least that's removal. I have a feeling this will also be a common problem when drafting the blue deck. I'm very interested to see what balance other people strike!

  5. P1P1 – A lot of good blue cards here. I think I agree with you on the Cackling Counterpart, but I also think that it is a little bit less than insane. Murder of Crows is very close to it in power level. After that, there is the Grasp, Tribute, Torch, and Mauler, followed by the Pyre, Villagers, Skaab, Amulet, and Smite. This is an incredibly deep pack, and you should definitely be getting something back later on.

    P1P2 – Definitely the Stitched Drake here. Even without enablers, you ought to have something in yard eventually, and this guy is just sick. I would say to pick the Stitched Drake over the Alchemy twice before you take the Alchemy over the Drake.

    P1P3 – The Haunt is a pretty solid card, and I think it’s definitely the pick here.

    P1P4 – This pick really comes down to the Silent Departure or the Villager Bell-Ringer. You already have the Haunt, so UW seems pretty good, and the Village Bell-Ringer usually kills something, and then holds the ground for your Stitched Drakes and Chapel Geists.

    P1P7 – Take the Second Haunt.

    P1P8 – I definitely take the Stitched Drake here. Dead Weight is the better card, but it isn’t significantly better. Of course, I would have been solidly in UW at this point with two haunts and a Village Bell-Ringer.

    P1P9 – Makeshift Mauler is pretty good, but Grasp of Phantoms is on par with top tier removal, and really ought to be the pick here.

    P1P11 – I’m pretty sure you just pick the Grotto here, but it is a close pick.

    P1P12- No, Corpse Lunge is not as good as you are thinking. It’s merely mediocre, especially in UB. Consider how narrow it is. First, you need a creature in the yard. Second, you need it to have high enough power to kill the creature in question, and third, you better not need creatures for your drakes and maulers. It should be going around 6 to 10th.

    P2P1 – Take the Foil Past in Flames, and trade it for 5 to 6 tix.

    P2P2 – I would have taken the Flames, so I’m still UW, and I snap the Chapel Geist.

    P2P5 – This is a close pick, but I think I also just take the Heron.

    P2P7 – Nice to snag two of these guys.

    P2P8 – Brain Weevil is actually significantly better than it looks. It should almost always make the maindeck, especially in UB and GB.

    P2P10 – I take the Into the Mist, but I don’t play either, so not like it matters that much.

    P2P11 – Delver definitely has more upside. Neither
    is good, but getting the Delver means you have the potential to get that kind of deck going.

    P3P2 – One of the best uncommons in the set doesn’t hurt.

    P3P3 – I take the rats. You want guys in the yard anyways, and this makes attacking really hard for your opponents, for the low low cost of B.

    P3P4 – Take the Noble. No it’s not close.

    P3P5 – I take the Geist here, but the Mauler is pretty close.

    Match 2 – Yeah, Grasp of Phantoms and Charmbreaker are both pretty sick cards.

    Remember, tempo is very important in this set, and it is often more important to just play a creature over durdle spells, like Think Twice. Think twice is fine and everything, but you just don’t have time to mess around with your mana in this format. There is just too much to do every turn.

  6. P1P1 - Objectively the Murder of Crows is more consistent than the instant (because of getting blown out if they remove your creature in response) but early in the format I don't mind taking the rare. Especially because this set is so removal light.
    P1P3 - Definitely think you made the right pick with the haunt here.
    P1P4 - I actually like the Village Bell Ringer here. I think that guy is gonna be insane and it helps you go towards blue white.
    P1P6 - the Assisstant is probably the pick here because it goes so well with your 3 drop flier but it's worth nothing that we have a pretty late gastaff shepherd (Or I'm overvaluing that guy)
    P1P7 - Yeah, but if you're blue/black then you should get the interloper.
    P1P8 - Slam the dead weight! Totally agree here.
    P2P2 - It's not a card you're happy to second pick, but I don't think it's a blank. In blue black the return two zombies should be pretty insane, right?
    P3P1 - I don't like the delver. I feel pretty good about think twice.
    P3P2 - I think Ghoul Raiser is better, especially since it's a 2 for 1
    P3P3 - I don't know which is better. I probably make the same pick early to test them out. The Rats is more likely to end up dying early and activating yoru dudes, though.
    P3P4 - Doesn't seem close to me. Falkenrath Noble is really good.
    P3P5 - But it's not a snidd... it's a flier. I take the flier here. 3/3 fliers for 5 are good.

    Deckbuilding - I play the Matrician over the Delver, but maybe I'm too down on the delver.

  7. Dead Weight was actually terrible for me in these games, but I don't know if I just got unlucky and drew it at the wrong times. I also just realised that Moon Heron is also a spirit, which makes Battleground Geist significantly better for me at that point. The more you know
