Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lobster667's TSP #1

... I feel like I really stuck to my guns in this draft and made a good work of claiming Red to myself early on and only branching out when there was nothing really in my colour. I was kind of surprised at how late some cards were going (the Ivory Giants in pack one, per example), but even then I felt like I did a fine job of abandoning those cards if the support wasn't there.

The deck ended up making the finals, where I lost to another really good R/G deck after winning the first game and narrowly losing the second. I mulled to five in the third game and never got a shot at establishing a board position before I was killed by huge beaters and a suspended flier. It was a really interesting match with a sort-of disappointing finish, but I was still perfectly fine with it, and I won three packs, which is great.

I made some pretty sick plays in the first two matches.. One game, I curved out with Turn one suspend Halberdier, turn two suspend the other halberdier and crack Terramorphic, turn three Totem, turn five Fomori Nomad. My opponent conceded and I never even got to play the Sprout Swarm in my hand!

I did in another game, though. In fact, I got to play it seven times with buyback, and then with 10 creatures on the board to villain's 3, cast it without buyback, then casting the Haze of Rage first with buyback and then without, for a total of five copies. I swung for 67 on turn 10 and obviously absolutely murdered my opponent.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this draft and with playing the deck. If you want to try your own Time Spiral Block draft deck against it, just catch me on modo, I'm "Diamondeye" on there :)



  1. I think you were a little hard on white in packs one and two (especially P1P3 - Terramorphic Expansive over unkillable flyer??), but it seemed to pay off in the end. The green in the last pack was great, and I think it was absolutely the right move to switch into it. Sorry for not going into more detail; this format fascinates me but I have no experience of it!

  2. The first time I saw the Flickering Sprite, I was pretty excited about it, but it turns out that 3W is a lot of mana to keep open for an effect that is seldom going to be relevant.

    The reason I took the Terramorphic over it is that fixing is pretty good in the format, and I had passed some nice White already so I figured someone immidiately to my left would be in White.
