Thursday, October 20, 2011

Asturiel's INN Draft #1

(Asturiel (AKA the GOD OF PANTS) makes his debut on the blog.  Lets give it up for the reason we all don't have to wear skirts.)

(an appearance by yours truly down below!!!)

This deck was a disappointing 1-2.


  1. P1P1: I think this is the right pick but I'm hearing Grasp is pretty powerful.

    P1P2: Definitely Mystics!

    P1P4: Hmmm... The Scourge is good, too, but I think your strongest card so far is Green, so Boar seems solid.

    P1P6: I think I prefer Wolf, Devils, Dagger or even Bell-Ringer (off-colour) over the Weevil here.

    P1P7: Gee, I really want to pick the Devils here. The Vampire is fine too. I guess I hate Prey Upon for no good reason.

    P1P9: Man - or Skeleton? I think the Grasp is a fine pick here. Are you abandoning Red?

    P2P1: This is a sick pick! I can't figure whether it's correct, but if you're abandoning Red, it is. You're certainly signalling here, which is nice.

    P2P3: There's an okay Black dude here and you're probably not Red. There's also a Naturalize.

    P2P5: Juggie Juggie Juggie.

    P2P7: Sick. You're the only person in Green or something?

    P2P8: Both the Reap and the Hauberk are okay here, but you want lots of dudes with both of them.

    P2P9: Seems good!

    P3P1: Man, why does Red keep bothering you? I don't know, I think Volley is right here though. Maybe Angel is better, it's easy to splash...

    P3P4: The Green wolf is really strong, and you need low drops. I like Abbatoir as much as the next guy, but you might want the 2-drop here.

    P3P10: I'm coming around on this guy. He should not in the pack, no. But Green is pretty open, after all...

  2. P1P1 – I take the Grasp of Phantoms here, but I think that Skirsdag Cultist is actually a pretty close pick.

    P1P2 – I would say that Harvest Pyre is better than Smite, actually. It’s not like Smite is top tier removal or anything. I think that Mystics is clearly better.

    P1P3 – I take the Blazing Torch. People keep talking about how good this guy is, but I guess I can’t overlook the fact that he is a 3/2 for 4… Meanwhile, Blazing Torch is always great, and colorless to boot. The thing is, the ghoul is a good black creature, which makes him pretty valuable if you are in black because black has crappy creatures. I think people keep forgetting that.

    P1P5 – Travel Preparations!! Actually, I think the boar is a great pick here, since it goes well with the Cultist, and you don’t really want to have to force Naya right now

    P1P6 – You sure dumped red quickly. Weevil is worse than Harvest Pyre, which is still in the pack. But still a fine pick, since Weevil works pretty good in your colors.

    P1P12 – I would take the Grimace. I know it’s not very good, but it is still potentially playable if you end up with not enough playables.

    P2P1 – Good Job!!! This is the right pick, but a hard one to make.

    P2P2 – Isn’t ghoulraiser just the pick here? People apparently like Cannibals way too much. The upside actually isn’t that big.

    P2P3 – I take the Pyre. I think you are just undervaluing it. It is rock solid removal.
    P2P5 – I agree with your analysis, but you definitely take the Juggernaut.

    P2P7 – Pick seven sounds about right. He is good in the right deck, but also a liability.

    P2P8 – Take the mail. It’s really good in BG.

    P3P1 – Don’t you just take the Corpse Lunge here?

    P3P12 – Make a Wish is Divination, except it costs 1 more mana, but only draws spells…

    I think the reason why your deck went 1-2 is because you had no action for turns 2/3. You didn't really see many cards that you could cast turns 2/3, but they are pretty important in this format, because without them, you just get tempoed out too easily. Probably you need to cut a four drop for the Cannibals.

  3. Also, I would have taken the Grasp right at the start, and ended up with a UW deck with a ton of nice cards like Grasp, x2 Claustrophobia, x2 Bell-Ringer, Angel of Flight Alabaster, Slayer of the Wicked, etc...

  4. P1P3 - I like the ghoul (though I haven't played with him yet or faced him down) but I think the torch was the pick here. Colorless removal helps you stay open.
    P1P6 - I like Brain weevil more than most, but you aren't gonna want more than one and he'll come later. I take a speculative kessig wolf or a bell-ringer here.
    P1P7 - I would have taken the pitchburn devils here, but probably not after you've passed on red cards. But what is that bell-ringer doing here again?
    P1P12 - You could end up in blue, but I take the grimace here if anything to try and cut black.
    P2P1 - Wow, what a bummer. But this is what you have to take at this point.
    P2P3 - Even if you end up GB, you can splash the pyre, not the heir.
    P2P4 - I would be taking the Villagers of Estwald if the dead weight weren't here. Not the Spider.
    P2P5 - Yeah slam the juggernaut here. That guy is awesome.
    P2P6 - I take the Kessig wolf here.
    P3P1 - I guess I take the corpse lunge in your position here.
    P3P6 - I auto-take the interloper here, but your reasoning is sound.
