Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yablo's DII Draft #2

This was probably the best deck I've ever drafted in my short drafting career.  Ended up going 2-1 but probably could have been my first 3-0 if I hadn't ran into a sick Spider Spawning deck that out tokened me.


R1G1 - stalled on forests so was stuck only playing white.  Was able to equip up a Hallowhenge Spirit with Avacyn's Collar, the Pitchfork, and the Cleaver and lay the flying vigilence 7/7 beats on villain for the win.
R1G2 - stalled on forests again and got some white dirtles out.  Was able to represent lethal after I dropped Increasing Devotion combined with a Selfless Cathar ready to pop for +1/+1.  Villain scooped.
R2G1 - stalled on forests AGAIN?! Seriously I had 7 of them and had only seen 2 by this point in the night!  Was holding my own with a Pitchforked up flipped Youth until villain Claustrophobia'd it.  Worst thing you can get to happen to your Youth!  No way to deal with it.  Villain milled himself a ton and then dropped a spider spawning that spat out 7 spiders.  No green so I couldn't play any of my creatures in hand.  Dead.
R2G2 - Finally got forests going but lost the battle of tokens.  I Increasing Devotioned and then flashbacked for 15 humans.  He spider spawning twice for 20 spiders.  He drops a Falkenrath Noble and I'm boned.  Dead.
R3G1 - Villain playing a UB mill deck.  Made a risky play with a unflipped Grizzled Outcast who was holding a pitchfork - put a bonds of faith on him.  Would have been screwed if villain let him flip but he never did and I beat him down.
R3G2 - Curved out very well but was getting milled crazy style by villain.  Lost my 1st mayor but surprised him with a second.  Played Increasing Devotion and got 5 2/2 humans.  With the threat of my Selfless Cathar popping making them 3/3 villain scooped.

Spider Spawning guy ended up winning the draft so I guess I can't feel too bad losing to him.

Looking forward to the feedback!



  1. P1P1 – Increasing Devotion is so good. Easy pick here.
    P1P2 – Again, good pick.
    P1P6 – I think this is actually kind of a close pick, but the Survivors is probably better for you.
    P2P1 – I also agree that Mayor is the pick here. It goes great with everything you’ve got.
    P2P2 – I definitely take the Prey Upon here. I think the Midnight Guard is pretty good, but Prey Upon is just so good.
    P2P6 –This is just a bomb in your deck.
    P2P9 – Bonds wheels. Sick.
    P3P1 – Wow. I guess GW was the way to go :)
    P3P2- I take the pilgrim here. But I don’t like Cloistered Youth as much as some.
    P3P6 – If there’s nothing there, don’t you just take the rare land? It might be worth something post-rotation.
    P3P10 – Again, I just take the rare here. I tend to think that a raredraft is better for me in the long run than a hate draft. And there are situations where you could side in Stony Silence.

    It looks like you mostly just lost to the mana screw in M2G1. Spider Spawning is pretty much the only deck that had a real chance against you anyway. Good job in the other games. Looks like a sick deck, with very few mistakes. Probably just the Prey Upon in P2P2.

  2. Thanks for the feedback! Prey Upon is definitely nice removal. I think I may have had a little MUST DRAFT HUMANS tunnel vision going on there to take the Guard over it.

  3. P1P1: Devotion is much better than anything else here, including the Captain.

    P1P5: I think the Evolving Wilds is actually fine here, too. Ironwright is not that impressive.

    P1P6: White/Green doesn't want a lot of late-drops and you already have one spell for the late-game, so I like this pick. Artifacts and fliers are things W/G creatures have a hard time interacting with.

    P1P10: I might actually take the second Vines here, but Break is fine too.

    P1P13: Hood is actually playable in some decks; Evasion is always good.

    P2P1: Mayor is really good and you might wheel one of the Whites by taking the Green card here. I like the pick.

    P2P2: I like this pick. Prey isn't all that impressive in a deck filled with small guys.

    P2P4: Torch and Smite are considerations here too, but Youth is fine in a really aggressive deck.

    P2P7: Fox - you're shaping up to be a really fast deck.

    P2P11: Hate the Runic here to prevent someone from going nuts with Spider Spawning.

    P2P12: Maybe here too but Mulch is also fine.

    P3P2: I like Pilgrim the best here, Spirit second. Youth is not a really good card in my opinion, even if your deck is the right one for it (because it's also the right one for the other two cards).

    P3P6: Rare land - both for splash potential (unlikely) and money. Also, you passed a Spider Spawning; Someone will want the land!

  4. Thanks Lobster! Hindsight - should have grabbed the Spider Spawning. It wrecked me 2nd round!
