Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Deranged_Hermit's DII Draft #2

I was again, a bit excited to see how this deck would perform.  I went into deckbuilding after the draft not with a good feeling (but i drafted 35 tix worth of rares so i wasn't too upset). but then after looking at my available options, and seeing my late 42nd pick burning vengeance, it all kind of came together.

so i'm RG splashing white for a few durdles, rally the peasants, and travel preps flashback. the RG is a typical werewolf and aggressive 1, 2, 3 drop plan (no 4 drops in the whole deck aside from a smite the monstrous (should've been cut if i had more early drops)).

but here's the interesting synergy that i'd love to test more to get the right balance.  i have 9 flashback spells. geistflame, faithless looting, wild hunger, 2x travel preps, 2x rally the peasants, burning oil and night birds clutches (plus a gnaw in the board.

combine that many solid combative and aggressive tricks and pump spells, combine it with burning vengeance to clear the path... and i think you have a good formula for success.

now i lost in the 2nd round to a fellow clan member that had a solid UB control deck (remember how open blue and black were), and he eventually went on to win the whole thing... so i dont feel so bad. but were the deck fell short was generating enough actual early threats in order to actually use my pump spells. plus i went with 15 basics and an evolving wilds which was a little light. didn't realize how intensive the mana requirements are for getting enough flashback spells out there. rally really needs 6 mana to operate, and i rarely got to 6 lands.

also, this deck needs at least 2 or 3 faithless lootings. they allow you dig for threats, and dump either excess land or your flashback fodder in the yard. on top of being a flashback spell in of itself.

the werewolf route was ok. not a cog in how the deck should operate, but fine in of itself. the immerwolf itself isn't great because it's intimidate is weak, but the ability to keep your guys flipped is really good when you want to play out travelpreps w/ flashback.

in this particular build, i would've cut the smite, and cut the moonmist for another darkthicket and reckless waif. even could cut one rally for a pilgrim or something. 15 creatures is probably min for this, with your combat tricks acting as removal. oh yea, village ironsmith would be amazing too as first strike with combat tricks is win.

better luck next time. peace


  1. P1P1: I like Tragic Slip here better but could also be talked into taking the Niblis. Burning Oil is okay but Red/White isn't good.

    P1P2: I like this pick a lot. If you had gone with the Niblis, I think Tower Geist wins out. But you didn't :)

    P1P3: Based on your former picks this is great. If you had been in black instead I'd probably have taken the fires.

    P1P5: The collar is great but I think Dryad is better in your deck.

    P1P10: The Fiends is a better body.

    P1P12: Here, the cat is probably best...

    P2P3: Viper is probably better removal than Geistflame in an aggressive G/R deck.

    P2P5: Spirit, definitely.

    P2P7: Crossway is the pick here, I think.

    P2P8: Woah.

    P3P13: Cool!

  2. It is like if you had refused from the beginning to be in Red to build a straight RG werewolf deck (and maybe splash white for burning oil and travel prep). You go white in the middle of pack 2 when you only white card is the burning oil (you could just splash white).
    You could have had 2 himmerwolfs and pick lots of wolfs.

    P1P2: I would have picked himmerwolf to try it
    P1P5: I would take the dryad or the hill giant
    P1P8: Definitely take the devil considering the colour I could be (Red and Green)
    P1P9: Faithless looting
    P1P10: Heckling Fiends
    P1P13: Take the scorch the fields for the sideboard against townships
    P2P4: Riot devils is a fine vanilla creature
    P2P5: Definitely the spirit
    P2P7: would have taken the vampire here or harvest pyre
    P3P2: Difficult here, travel prep is great but if you pick more moom mist then the wolf can be good. If I had picked 2 himmerwolf, I would go for the wolf
    P3P6: Again you should have 2 wolf lords here and pick the pariah
    P3P8: With you werwolf deck you might have been able to pick full moon rise here
    P3P9: Another travel prep so you can definitely splash white now
    P3P10: In an aggressive RG deck woodland Sleuth might be great

    Again it is like if you did not accept to have red creatures because everybody says that red is bad. If you are the only one to be in red then you can choose quality creatures.

    Well done and keep up the good work.

  3. P1P1 – I would definitely pick Tragic Slip here. Burning Oil is quite good, but RW is pretty bad. Also, it can often be difficult to get your opponents to walk into the second copy. The potential upside is higher on Burning Oil, but Tragic Slip is just so consistently awesome. Also, it kills utility creatures that don’t attack or block.

    P1P2- I like Tower Geist here. It is just stronger than the other cards. After that, I’d probably take the Stormbound Geist, then Captive, then the Immerwolf. I actually like URw or UWr a lot as well.

    P1P3 – If it were me, I’d be taking the Diregraf Captain, because I’m in UB already. If I’m you, I take Fires of Undeath. I think Wild Hunger is the most overrated card in the set.

    P1P4 – So many good cards. I’d probably just take a Headless Skaab here. For you, I’d take Fling over Looting.

    P1P5 – I’d take the Thraben Heretic for my deck. You should take the Sombervald Dryad.

    P1P6 – Sure. With where your deck is now, you should be taking this. It’s not really that much better than Kessig Recluse though, especially if you don’t get the wolves.

    P1P7 – I’d probably just take Alpha Brawl or Executioner’s Hood. You probably won’t play either, but there is no way you play the Instincts. The hood can actually be decent if you pick up a bunch of Vampires.

    P1P10 –This should definitely be the Heckling Fiends. Are you really RW here?

    P1P13 – There are times when Scorch the Fields can come out of the board, so that should be the pick here.

    P2P1 – Nice pickup.

    P2P2 – Nice again.

    P2P4 – The foil of this is 10 tix? Holy smokes. In any case, I’ve found it completely serviceable in limited, though it won’t always make the maindeck. It is really good out of the board vs. controlling decks.

    P2P5 – You are already splashing white, so I guess you can take this. But I like the Orchard Spirit better at this point.

    P2P7 – So much blue!!! Which makes me 100% right with P1P2 ;)

    P3P4 – I’d take the Harvest Pyre. But I also have more creatures by this point.

    P3P7 – For your deck the way it is, you should have taken the Harvest Pyre.

    Overall, you got some really nice raredrafts, so it ends up being a nice draft. But I really think you should have been in blue from P1P2. Burning Oil was kind of a trap for you, as was the Wild Hunger. There were just better cards available for you. I suspect that you were fighting for your colors for the entire draft. Deck building looks like the best it could have been.
