Friday, September 23, 2011

Zvazda's M12 #14

The only choice here is whether or not to play the companion or crown over sacred wolfs or blood seeker or plummet.  In retrospect I probably like maindecking the companion over plummet and siding in plummet most of the time.

M1G1 - Versus UW.  We faced down a T1 lawkeeper, a griffin rider on wing with a few griffins and a Pegasus.  We plummeted one griffin, but he aether adepted our sengir vampire who was planning to block out of the way.  When we tried to blow him out with doom blade on Griffin #2 he staved off then we lost.

M1G2 - it looked like he flooded out.  We put the pressure on early.  T2 child of night.  T3 Sacred Wolf. T4 Runeclaw Bear.  T5 Jade Mage.  T6 Plummet Serra.  FTW.

M1G3 - we mulled to 6.  Got stuck on 4 swamps with all green spells and sengir vamp in hand.  When we finally ripped our 5th land to drop sengir... villain mind controlled it and crashed in for lethal.

M2G1 - We kept a pretty greedy one lander, got punished for it and lost.

M2G2 - Replay got lost, but we won.

M2G3 - Replay got lost, but we won.

M3G1 - Replay got lost, but we won.

M3G2 - So this game we beat a resolved overrun.  I think he got a little greedy and cast it too soon because it put us in a fairly good board state afterwards.  I guess he was scared because it was his only card in hand while we had two (gravedigger and land.)  If you're going to survive overrun turns out gravedigger is the card to have!  Also a reassembling skeleton in play soaks up 1 damage for "free."  Top decking gravedigger post-overrun for infinite gravedigger recursion was also nice.  It gave me two infinite blockers to his two dudes.  All the while he's at 8 life, so he can't really attack.  Ripping vampire outcasts gives us some nice breathing room, then we rip into stampeding rhino and things are looking up!  He plays out two dudes (taking two from the blood seeker and going to 6).  We rip doom blade and attack FTW in two turns.


With the Beatles - The Beatles second studio album.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up with listening to the late great beatles albums (revolver, sgt. peppers, abbey road, let it be, etc.) that I forget how great and different their early albums are.

Impatient Lover (selected tracks) - Cecilia Bartoli

Universal Truths and Cycles - Guided by Voices -  The thing about having 3100 albums is that sometimes things come up and you wonder what they are and where in the world they came from.  This was like that.  I enjoyed it, though.

The original off-broadway cast of Mayor - If you haven't heard of this 1985 Charles Strouse off-broadway show... that's totally understandable.  I'm fairly certain this marks my first listen to the complete album.

1 comment:

  1. P1P8: Maybe the Giant is the right pick here, but did you even consider the Mind Rot? I feel like I'm liking Black over Red these days...

    P2P2: Probably the right pick, but there is a Gravedigger in there too that you didn't mention. That is worth at least some consideration, I think.

    P2P4: I think I actually opt for the Troll here... It's really great.

    P2P8: Not. A. Fan. I'd take the Sentinel.

    P2P10: Now that is just sick...

    P3P1: Boar is a really bad card in my opinion. I would take the Hunter's Insight, it's a decent card if you're in Green already (especially since Black has some high-power dudes).

    P3P2: Child of Night is a fine pick, but you don't have any Naturalize effects - why not pick the Slime?

    P3P5: Thirst is the right pick here but passing another Slime when you didn't take the first one stings a bit.

    P3P9: Maindeck! You're low on fliers/flier hate.

    Deck: Pretty creature-heavy, nice! I'd play the boar over the Blood Seeker, to be honest, but not a lot of other changes here.
