Sunday, August 28, 2011

Zvazda - M12 6

This draft was kind of interesting.  Would you have stuck to your guns like I did?  Or would you have diverged?

Similarly, in deckbuilding I went for consistency rather than power (though I think it was plenty powerful).  I'm not sure if this is because I've been having a little stint of drawing bad lately.  Would you have stuck to the mono-build and sided in the blue?  Or would you have splashed blue for looter and unsummon?


  1. I really love U/R in M12 limited, so I'd have been very tempted to put in a little bit of blue here.

  2. Yeah, I'd be looking to play blue here for Unsummon, Looter, maybe Divination and Fleetwings, and the Aether Adept I would have slammed P3P1 (I also would have dipped into blue earlier, picking up the Dragon P1P6, and taken a blue card P2P1, but I'd be unlikely to play either Master Thief or the second Unsummon given how good the rest of your deck was).

  3. so... how did you do? 3-0? 2-1? what?
