Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Zvazda's I Draft #4

This deck was pretty removal light, but I felt very good about all the fliers.  I didn't think it was quite 3-0 worthy... but it got there anyway.

I feel like the draft portion was very tight, as was my play.

Here's the deck:

Listen Along with Zach

Blood Money - Tom Waits - This album is very interesting.  It's a rock concept album based on the play Woyczeck.  Tom Waits... is... well eccentric.

The Lion King (Soundtrack) - I find the soundtrack from the original disney movie greatly preferable to the original broadway cast.


  1. P1P5: Take the Lantern Spirit!

    P1P7: HROUMPH! Nice!

    P1P10: You can get a Crab later, perhaps take the Rally?

    P2P1: I like both white 3-drops here. Rebuke is fine.

    P2P2: Right.

    P2P3: I like traveller here.

    P2P11: I feel stupid now.

    P3P2: Feeling of Dread is fine, too. I don't hate this pick though.

    P3P4: Eeeek. You have so many Spirits! Still, I won't blame you.

    P3P7: The Cathar is okay with so many fliers.

    P3P9: Why so curious? I mean... Curiosity.

    Tight (and good) draft!

  2. P1P4 – The ghoulraiser is worth considering here. It isn’t amazing or anything, but they are really good in multiples, and with things like Stitched Drake.
    P1P6 – I’ve found Spectral Rider to be much better than I originally expected. Also, people love think twice, but it is completely irrational. During TPF, people didn’t really play Think Twice that much. But since then, it has become a pretty important spell in Pauper on Magic Online, which has lead people to think that it is better than it actually is. Think Twice is actually barely playable.
    P1P8 – I would take the Ghoulcaller’s Chant, but that is because I like to kind of keep my options open going into pack 2, so I’d want to see if I ended up in the UB deck.
    P1P11 – I like this pick. The wings are fine, but the Brain Weevil is just a much more playable card (underrated at this point I think).
    P2P1 – Like I’ve said, I’m not completely committed to a color at this point, so I probably just take the nobles since it is the strongest card.
    P2P2 – Good pick.
    P2P3 – Wow. Uh, guess you should have gone into black?
    P2P4 – I like Civilized Scholar better than Dead Weight even if you are UB. But dang, that black is flowing in this pack.
    P3P4 – This is absolutely the right pick. Card Advantage!! Tempo!! I mean, this really shines at taking out things like Walking Corpses or Werewolves, since they have to redraw the card, but it is still really good even if you aren’t facing those cards.
    P3P6 – I take the Priest.
    Overall, a really good draft. I don’t switch into UW for sure as early as you do, but it still seems like your deck ended up rock solid. Remember, UW fliers is just a good archetype, so it will often get you to 3-0 even if you don’t have all the flashy stuff from other decks. Plus, the Scholars, Grasp, Murder of Crows is a pretty good set of uncommons.
