Friday, November 4, 2011

Oraymw's INN draft #3


To be honest, this draft was pretty ridiculous. I got passed all of the removal, and ended up with eight potential cards for the final slot.

As for the play, it really wasn't difficult to win the games. Basically, I just played a few zombies, and then killed everything that got in the way.

Round 1 was vs. a decent UW aggro deck. One of his biggest problems was relying on Cloistered Youth. Turns out that an Unholy Fiend with Claustrophobia is not an asset. I did this to his creatures in both games, and it just made it too easy for me to race him.

Round 2 was vs. RG aggro, and the games were pretty close. He had Devil's Play, which got me down to 1 life in both games, but I managed to pull squeak out the wins anyways. Of course, in the second game, he had to mull down to four. Against him, my main strategy was to keep chaining Ghoulraisers, which just gave me so much card advantage that he couldn't compete. He was banking on a lot of things like Harvest Pyre and Ambush Vipers which don't do very well against a continuous stream of Ghoulraisers.

Round 3 was vs. WG aggro. Basically, he played large creatures, and I killed them with the greatest of ease.


  1. Removal galore, zombie recursion for value? Seems good! I like it!

  2. P1P2 - I take the Geistcatcher's rig here but i can't blame you for the Banshee. They both are conditional 2 for 1's.
    P1P3 - I wouldn't be happy about it... and I probably wouldn't take it... but isn't the Invisible Stalker.
    P1P9 - Nice Pick! I was blinded by UB and didn't see this guy.
    P3P3 - :-0. This card is so splashable. Why would it go to Pick 3?
    P3P4 - Slam the curse of oblivion. Artdrafting.
    P3P9 - We're not unreasonable... I mean no one's gonna eat your eyes.
    P3P9 - We're at an impasse here... maybe we can compromise.
    P3P10 - Another curse of oblivion?
    P3P11 - You could have had the best looking sideboard around.
