Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Zvazda's RTR Draft #1

Hey Guys.  The blog has been pretty quiet as of late for a few reasons.  On my end of things I've been using the Beta client, so I haven't gotten draft logs to upload to raredraft.

I also haven't had Marshall pimp the blog since RTR came out (mostly because they've been recording on Wednesdays and I normally would remind him on Thursdays).

Anyway, I did a draft in the old client and so I uploaded it.  It was a very interesting draft and I'd love to hear thoughts on it.

Deck Construction:


1. Is it worth splashing for blue?
2.  If it is, do you play rogues passage (like a greedy bastard)?
3.  Do you play Caracal, Avenging Arrow or Seller of Songbirds?
4.  If so, which 4 drop do you remove?

Thanks guys.  And keep those drafts coming.  I'm still here, even though I've been BETA drafting and not posting any :):).



  1. I don't think you play Blue here. Roc and Rescue are both best in a flier based Azorius tempo strategy. While they shine there, they aren't as good in a Selesnya deck since bouncing 2 power guys isn't that important when you just outclass them with Centaurs. They're both pretty good, and better than the alternatives but not enough better to justify hurting you mana for them.

    That said, I don't like the P2P3 pick of Common Bond over Azorius Keyrune. At this point you've just picked up a Roc and it's looking like you might be splashing U. Picking up fixing for that is important and Keyrunes are some of the best fixing available. Common Bond isn't as important since there's a ton of combat tricks available to Selesnya. Bond is one of the better ones, but they're all fairly interchangable and you only want 1 or 2.

  2. P1P1 – Great card! You want to know what cards play well with Collective Blessing?

    P1P2 – Selesnya Charm is first pickable. Getting good token generators is important in Selesnya, since it makes all of your other cards so much better. Also, this doubles as removal against the cards where you really need it, and the pump spell is also very strong in this format. Easily the best card in the pack.

    P1P3 – Again, this is the best card in the pack. I like it better than Ragemutt overall. Good pick.

    P1P4 – I probably take the Skynight, since I like to splash blue in my Selesnya. Soul Tithe is also worth considering, though it’s weaker than Skynight. The GW deck gets a lot of 4 drops, so it can be worth taking the Tithe instead of the Giant Spider. Also, Golgari Keyrune is a good consideration.

    P1P5 – Guardian is good.

    P1P6 – As I said, four drops are easy to find in Selesnya, so the Croc might be worth it. But both are solid picks here. Nothing to be ashamed of.

    P1P7 – I take the Guildgate. No need to deviate from the plan.

    P1P9- I actually like Knightly Valor a lot. It seems like this deck is going just fine so far.

    P1P10 – I agree with Armory Guard. It is one of the 4 drops that I really like. Playing something with 5 toughness really helps you survive long enough to get your populate on.

    P2P4 – Tough pick, but Judgment is better. Remember, you have token makers in Charm and Valor.

    P2P7 – I like the Seller better than most, so I actually like this pick. No need to jump ship and take the Izzet card. Also, this is really good with Collective Blessing!

    P2P12 – I’ve played Horncaller’s Chant a couple of times, and it was actually good. Two 4/4s is enough of an impact, and if you get a couple of Guardians, you can get to 8 mana.

    P3P1 – I take the Herald. Of course, whenever someone plays a Giant against me, I bounce it with Voidwielder.

    P3P2 – Your reasoning makes sense. I would have grabbed the Giant Growth without thinking. Might still be the right pick.

    P3P3 – I take the Valor. It’s a fairly high impact spell, especially on your 4cmc guys.

    On the build, I take out an Indrik and a Guard for Seller of Songbirds and Avenging Arrow. So many four drops :( Also, I definitely splash. It’s not like you’re being that greedy here, and you need something to get back some of the tempo you’re going to lose. In any case, feels like a 2-1 deck.
