Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fiffo416 ISD Draft #2

A question I would like to ask people is

how often do you make "wrong" picks (something like midnight haunting
over curse of death's hold) in order to draft the deck you want to
draft? And which are the decks you NEVER want to draft? It's
green-black to me, and I don't even like blue-black control (but I
like a more creature heavy blue-blac deck like the one I drafted
here!) A deck that I like but most people don't is green red.


  1. p1p1... i dont know how much limited you've seen/played... but grimgrin is one of the best creatures you can open. UB is already a fantastic color combo, and it only dies to sever the bloodline (rare), rebuke, and smite the monstrous (ok ok, deathtouch too i guess). you are correct tho that your opps to the right are likely going to be picking blue or black cards in the next several selections
    p1p3... tough call. you open a bomb in grimgrin, and get passed two travel preps and great white and green cards. for you the mauler is fine here if you're gonna force the UB
    p1p4... that sucks
    p1p9... fair strat. waif is tough to face turn 1 with a UB deck that has a lot of their action starting turn 3
    p2p3... ghoul is probably a good call, but dont underestimate the occultist with all of your skaab zombies
    p2p5... hmmm, head to head amulet vs grotto. i think grotto is great if you are in the mill strat tied with green (ie mulch), but travelers amulet in any non-mill strat.
    p3p1... yea, i think you have to take mayor there. the grimoire is nice, and plays with synergy w/ grimgrin when you're sac'ing guys. but the mayor creates tokens, wins games by itself on turn 3, and is splashable ( you have the amulet, and open yourself up for other cards/sideboard options like naturalize, gnaw to the bone, mem's journey, spawning)
    p3p3... there's the spawning.
    p3p4... really tough. you dont have a lot of removal, which is why dead weight seems to be the choice. but your controlling deck NEEDS the moan.
    p3p6... hallelujah!

    overall it was a decent draft. you probably did the best you could with UB straight up. but i think that more self mill and splashing green would've given you a few more options/wincons. some great interactions tho with unbreathing hoarde and your 14 zomebies (not counting the flashback moan). only two removal spells is tough. but you have two assistants to get you up to your top end. silent departure would've been solid to keep up with faster decks.

    interested to hear how you did exactly

  2. i hate anything with red... especially RB vamps. i'm sure DA will change my tune as the Lord and the few bomby cards in that archetype are REAAAALLLY good. i also dont like UW as i odnt think anything in white really benefits from the blue mill skillset. BUG is by far my favorite archetype. i will go WGB on occasion if i see an unburial rites with a nice bomby card. had a great interaction once with geist honored monk, suiciding in where the opp traded to kill it. then unburial rites'ing it back for even more tokens and power.
