Sunday, August 26, 2012

Zvazda's M13 draft #1

Do you splash?  If you do are you playing rummaging goblin over bond beetle?

I ended up 1-2ing, which I was very disappointed in.  I've been having a lot of problems with this format where I keep mulliganing a lot, which isn't serving me, or I don't draw well.

If anyone has any advice for facing down Talrand (who I faced in R2) I would love to hear it.  Talrand keeps following me around and then my removal always gets negated and my creatures to kill her always get essence scattered.  I'm not sure how to beat Talrand!

Anyway, I've been having not a ton of luck in M13 and I'm hoping you guys can get me back on the right track.


  1. Comments on the picks:
    P1P9: Arms Dealer over Elvish Visionary? The Dealer can be removal in a pinch and is just awesome if you have extra goblins (like the Rummaging Goblin).
    P2P2: Did you consider the Talrand's Invocation? Regarding Prey Upon, you didn't have many high power dudes (though you did have 2x Deadly Recluse).
    P3P2: How about the Flinthoof Boar? I couldn't see how many creatures you had at the time or your curve...

    Deck Building:
    - Just a thought: maybe remove the Sunstriker (double White) for another Rummaging Goblin and -1 Plains, +1 Mountain. The Goblin could help you dig for answers or for a good synergy (like Kitesail + Attended Knight or Thragtusk). This might be wrong as I haven't played much with White.

  2. P1P2: I think I would have taken either Rise or Chronomaton.

    P1P3: I think I pick up the rare to see how it will do. You might wheel the Elvish Visionary from P1P1 and perhaps from this one too.

    P1P4: There is also an Essence Scatter which is great in U/G.

    P1P5: Fine pick but I think I'd have been U/G by now and the Augur is pretty good.

    P1P8: What colors are you? I like the Provocateur here but I seem to go into Blue a lot...

    P2P1: Nice pickup. I could see taking Knight, Huntbeast or Ring if not raredrafting here...

    P2P2: If you had moved in on Blue, I think the Invocation is the pick here. As is, Prey Upon is fine.

    P2P3: Chronomaton is a real card, Wilds is very marginal in a 2-colored deck.

    P2P4: I'm still confused about your colors, but Griffin is a fine card.

    P2P6: This is a fine pick, but if you took the Ring I could see taking the Huntbeast.

    P3P4: Close - I think I take the Attended Knight here too.

  3. p1p2 i'd also take chornomaton and its not close for me. Colorless, low curve and brings inevitability in the late game.
    p1p4 with thaggie, i'd probably take either the runmmaging or visionary. Had you picked the elf lord, visionary for certain. But geiser is a fine pick too.
    p1p9 with a rummaging goblin, arms dealer is the pick i think.
    p1p10 nothing wrong here, but if youre planning on 3-color'ing, id get jester (and i would have an arms dealer too)
    p2p3 if you're planning (again) on 3 colors, wilds is certainly the pick. I'd, however, pick chronomaton again here.
    p3p3 spear not even close

    My humble opinion is that you should have moved to RW aggro, possibly splashing green for thragtusk and prey upons (maybe). At the end of pack 1 or 2, there was a free trumpet blast that you could have taken instead of an off-color card and with krenko, it would be a really though deck i think.
