Friday, October 28, 2011

Zvazda's INN Draft #2

I kinda wish I'd played a Diregraff ghoul over something, but I was skewing more towards green than black  What do you think?

All my games got lost :-/  I ended up going 2-1, though.

Listen Along with Zach

Deep Dead Blue - Elvis Costello
Dawn Metropolis - Anamangauchi
Complete Recordings of Bessie Smith - Bessie Smith
Disneyland Soundtracks - This had the disneyland soundtracks, mostly from frontier land.  The highlight of this was the 22 minute complete recording of Fantasmic.  Yes, my roommates looked at me funny.


  1. P1P1: I like this pick, even with the Juggernaut in the pack.

    P1P2: I actually like the Unburial Rites here, it sort-of fits your colours.

    P1P6: I like the Patrician better, here.

    P1P7: I like the Wolf better.

    P1P9: Walking Corpse would be the pick if you had stayed your course here, I think.

    P1P11: I think I cut the blue Curse here.

    P1P12: Respectable but I think Night Terrors is better.

    P2P1: I like the pick, too. Bat is good.

    P2P2: I can't remember how your deck looks but I think I like the juggernaut better. Perhaps the Banshee is the right pick...

    P2P3: Fine pick but there's a decent Black card if you had stayed out of Green...

    P2P4: I like the Diregraf better than the Corpse, here. You have literally no other one-drops, right?

    P2P5: I guess... The Boar barely wins out over the Disciple. I don't like it a lot though...

    P2P6: STOP
    There's a Charmbreaker Devils in there.

    P2P9: Vigil, perhaps? For the splash.

    P2P10: Another Vigil. But there's a TENTH PICK GEISTFLAME. If you had just taken the Charmbreaker before...

    P2P11: Pick here is Cobbled Wings. You need fliers (and a 5/5 trampling flying boar is good!).

    P3P2: Mystics! Also, you have two boars already, right?

    P3P3: Another Geistflame... I am crying inside.

    P3P11: I like Night Terrors better for the board here.

    Overall, this looks fine, but you really should have caught on to the Charmbreaker Devils in the middle of pack two, I feel, even if Red dried up after that.

    Also, Unburial Rites over Dead Weight, especially with the Angel in the pack. It would've been an all-star in your deck.

  2. Yeah - totally missed the boat on the rites and the charmbreaker devils. The rites is a card I need to train myself to start recognizing. For some reason I skim over it thinking that it's unplayable by it's picture.... Stop that!

    The devils was a no-loss pick-up, but I doubt I would have been picking up the geistflames to move in after that. Maybe I would have, though.
